David Tabenda Atogho - Online Memorial Website

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David Atogho
Born in Cameroon
81 years
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Gabche Vincent Gabche Mr September 29, 2017
My heart felt condolences to the family of Daddy Atogho. I was so distabilized when i heard one monday morning that Daddy was no more. He was a father on whom i attached much value and estime. Daddy showed me much affection and gave me a lot fatherly advice.
His departure is a great loss even to my humble self. I just have to admit that no man lives for ever. May his soul rest in perfect peace.
Adieu Daddy Atogh
Benedict Akeh An Icon is gone. RIP. September 29, 2017
My heartfelt condolences to the Atogho family, especially Dr. Ata Atogho, for the loss of a great icon in our community. Daddy Atogho, as all in Ngwo usually called him, was a God fearing, caring and loving father. We will greatly miss hiim. May Daddy's gentle soul rest  in perfect peace. Adieu D. T. Atogho!

Benedict Akeh.
Ache Wakai RIP September 23, 2017
May the gentle soul of Daddy Atogho rest in peace. Ata, Daddy was a fine gentleman from a generation with high standards.  We celebrate his life as we weep and thank God for bringing such a person into our lives. RIP Daddy.
Grace Epamba Mrs September 23, 2017
Daddy, words cannot express the impact of your life on humanity. You have been an international "daddy" to many, me inclusive- Your sacrifices ,Wise counsel, financial distributions,a listening ear, a burden bearer and a shoulder to cry on, were some of your distinct virtues. As for me,I will live to remember you forever because there will never be a replacement. I ask myself was it just favour that I was showered with such undying care, concern and comfort!!! Only heaven has my answer. You remain the greatest man humanity has been blessed with. See you in Glory
Marie JeanLouis Ms September 22, 2017
Daddy memories will forever live on in the heart of his family,friends as well as the people he encounter along the wqy.I had to pleasure to know Daddy,  he was a very quiet man, soft spoken.He visited me in the hospital with his won after I had my surgery. Daddy, you will be missed, rest in peace, your legacy will  ontinue on through your children.
To the Atogho family
My sincere  condolences and may God give you all strength throughout this hard time. 

God bless!
Richard LOBE condoléances September 22, 2017
Nous pensions tous que Daddy allait revenir au Cameroun et se remettre, mais hélas. Gloire soit à Dieu. Courage à toute la famille

Daddy a été , dans l'histoire du réveil au Cameroun,un des premiers témoignages vivants du fait que le christianisme engagé n'est pas l'affaire des démunis, des ratés qui n'ont d'autre recours que la "réligion" pour se calmer la conscience.

Jean 21.18 "En verité, en vérité , Je te le dis Daddy, quand tu étais plus jeune, tu te ceignais toi même, et tu allais où tu voulais; mais quand tu seras vieux, tu étendras tes mains, et un autre te ceindras, et te mènera où tu ne voudras pas"    

Richard LOBE
Damaris Rose Ayong Alang Amie de la famille September 21, 2017
Je vous présente à nouveau toutes nos condoléances, de la part de ma famille, et moi.
Vous savez que notre Dieu seul,  connaît les sentiments qui vous envahissent suite à la disparition de notre Daddy.
Merci de l'avoir partagé si généreusement avec nous, pendant toutes ces années.
Soyez assurez que nous vous portons dans vos coeurs.
Je prie pour que Dieu soulage votre peine, et vous rappelle toujours que Daddy est dans son repos. Soyez tous bénis.
Damaris qui vous embrasse 
Ruth Bokwe Deepest Condolences September 20, 2017
It is truly sad to lose daddy but all joy to surely know that he is now in a good place and will live in eternity with our Christ Jesus. Rest in perfect peace daddy.
may God bring comfort to mammy and the whole family. 
1 Deepest Condolences September 20, 2017
it is truly sad to lose daddy but all joy to surely know that he is now in a good place and will live in eternity with our Christ Jesus. Rest in perfect peace daddy.

My condolences to the Atogho family especially Jessie and Mah. From what I read, your Dad was exceptional. May you all be comforted knowing that he is in a better place since he died as a Christian.

Ashia you all

Total Condolences: 27
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