David Tabenda Atogho - Online Memorial Website

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David Atogho
Born in Cameroon
81 years
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Josée MELI Pour nous un père November 20, 2017
En réalité quand nous l'appelions Daddy, ce n'était pas pour nous une formalité mais c'est ce qu'il représentait pour les filles apeurées qu'il avait reçues il y'a 35 ans dans l'Assemblée de Madagascar où il était pasteur. Sous les Affres de persécutions après, mes soeurs et moi avions trouvé un véritable abri dans les soins prévoyants et plein de sollicitude d'un père attentionné. C'est ainsi que les portes de sa luxueuse demeure de Tsinga nous étaient chaque fois ouvertes pour célébrer nos anniversaires et autres festivités.
 Je me souviens comme si c'était hier que c'est la position sociale prestigieuse de Daddy qui nous permettait de tenir tête et de tourner en dérision les quolibets de nos familles qui, aux premiers jours de la foi qui n'était pas répandue à l'époque, saisissaient toutes les occasions pour fustiger le manque d'ambition de cette bande de va-nu-pieds, comme elles désignaient notre communauté. 
C'est encore lui qui avait déceler l'engagement et la ferveur enrobés dans nos inconsistances d'enfants pour nous élever à la direction à un âge très tendre. Et puis c'est cette délicatesse toute paternelle qui va certainement me manquer surtout lorsque je pense à des moments éprouvants de ma vie où sa chaleur a été un rayon de soleil pour dissiper les ténèbres opaques d'une dépression nerveuse débouchant sur une surcharge pondérale aiguë. Cette fois encore, Daddy a tiré la sonnette d'alarme pour que l'indifférence notoire autour de moi ne me fasse m'enfoncer dans une déprime morbide. 
Pour tout dire, Daddy, ton implication dans ces aspects pratiques occultés par les autres ont révélé tes ressources sublimes qui qui t'ont rendu si cher à notre développement intégral. C'est vrai que la séparation produit un pincement douloureux mais nous sommes consolés en sachant que tu es un vaillant héros qui se repose à present auprès du Père comme les Écritures le déclarèrent à bon escient:
"Heureux dès à présent les morts qui meurent dans le Seigneur ! Oui dit l'Esprit, afin qu'ils se reposent de leurs travaux, car leurs oeuvres les suivent." Apocalypse 14: 13B

Josée Ambadiang Meli
IPR Français
DRS Centre 
Hendrick Polanco My Deepest Condolences November 11, 2017
My deepest condolences.  May these few words from the Holy Scriptures bring you comfort in your time of grief...
John 11:32-45
32 And so Mary, when she arrived where Jesus was and caught sight of him, fell at his feet, saying to him: “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.” 33 Jesus, therefore, when he saw her weeping and the Jews that came with her weeping, groaned in the spirit and became troubled; 34 and he said: “Where have YOU laid him?” They said to him: “Lord, come and see.” 35 Jesus gave way to tears. 36 Therefore the Jews began to say: “See, what affection he used to have for him!” 37 But some of them said: “Was not this [man] that opened the eyes of the blind man able to prevent this one from dying?”
38 Hence Jesus, after groaning again within himself, came to the memorial tomb. It was, in fact, a cave, and a stone was lying against it.39 Jesus said: “TAKE the stone away.” Martha, the sister of the deceased, said to him: “Lord, by now he must smell, for it is four days.”40 Jesus said to her: “Did I not tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?” 41 Therefore they took the stone away. Now Jesus raised his eyes heavenward and said: “Father, I thank you that you have heard me. 42 True, I knew that you always hear me; but on account of the crowd standing around I spoke, in order that they might believe that you sent me forth.” 43 And when he had said these things, he cried out with a loud voice: “Laz´a·rus, come on out!” 44The [man] that had been dead came out with his feet and hands bound with wrappings, and his countenance was bound about with a cloth. Jesus said to them: “Loose him and let him go.”
45 Therefore many of the Jews that had come to Mary and that beheld what he did put faith in him;
Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage
Margaret Atogho In my heart forever October 28, 2017
Daddy, it is hard to imagine that you are no longer with us. How empty will it be without you. To say I will miss you is an understatement. When my dear husband (your brother) was called to the lord, you took me on. You were there for me and my children. You will sacrifice time and money making endless trips to Bamenda when ever we had any issues. You called me ever so often just to make sure I was alright.  You were there for me Daddy and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. 
You fought a good fight but our maker whom you served so deligently decided to call you at his appointed time. You have finally United with your dear brother T. A.
Please continue to intercede for us as we battle with the challenges of this world. 
Goodbye Daddy,
till we meet again.
Marie Solange Evehe You will be forever missed October 28, 2017
You called us the 3 musketeers. You were our father, an precious adviser, one we could easily talk to and share our worries. Daddy, we are missing and will continue to miss your soft spoken voice. With wisdom you fed us, with comforting words you stepped in when we were in pain and frustrations. We know you are resting in the bossom of Him whom you served wholeheartedly. We are happy because  we know where you are spending eternity. Daddy Atogho, get your well-deserved rest in the Lord and see you one day in paradise.
Ludine F. Joseph Mrs. October 27, 2017
I met Mr. David Atogho briefly.  Listening to him speak December 2016 gave me a glimpse of his vast knowledge.  The patience used in carefully choosing his words confirmed for me that he was a wise man and a God-fearing man.  God will not forget the good that he did and how he positively touched many lives.  We cannot wait for God to eliminate our last enemy - "death".  Take comfort in Rev. 21: 3,4 knowing "He will wipe every tear......there will be no more death, or mourning, or crying......"

Sincere condolences!
Polycarp Ambe-Niba Translator-Interpreter October 10, 2017
Sir David, I recall with heartfelt joy and gratitude your spiritual counsel, teachings, testimony shared with me and firm hand supporting me in steadfast faith as you immersed me in the river in baptism. Thanks for rekindling my faith and hope in Christ our Lord and Saviour. I am once more overjoyed to see you (with the eyes of that same faith you rekindled) seated in God's choir of angels in His heavenly home where the sun never sets and the only tears shed are effusions of eternal joy and happiness. Fare thee well Sir. Polycarp
Njoh T Chamfor My Heartfelt Condolences October 3, 2017
its very difficult to express how i feel. Pa was a great man, not only his achevements in life but for who he was a person. Its his personality, a kind warm hearted person, that will always stand out. May the Atogho family have strength to endure this dark period and my heartfelt condolences goes towards all of them. May his soul rest in perfect peace
Madeleine Colombe Yombi Aurevoir October 1, 2017
Daddy,nous ne verrons plus ton sourire si rassurant de ce côté. Ça c'est triste. Mais de te savoir au bon endroit nous réchauffe le coeur d'espérance. Dieu n'a rien à faire avec le hasard: c'est chez vous à Tsinga que j'ai donné ma vie au Seigneur. Rien que cela m'a donné de donner une importance à notre relation. Tu prenais tant de plaisir à m'appeler "grand-mere" ...heureusement que nous aurons un ciel....
Lemme Tangyie Sending You All Courage - Do not stumble! September 30, 2017
Wishing you all divine courage during this period Of loss.  Papa Atogho lived a long and fulfilled life in the Lord.  I know the heavenly angels are rejoicing to have him join them.  He has left behind big shoes for us to fill.  A man of total submission unto the Lord is how I've always known him and will always remember him.  Sending you all love, peace and joy.  May the precious memories of papa Atogho comfort you all, especially Mama Atogho and may you have the peace of God that passeth all understanding.  

“They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭125:1‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Samuel Dimite Mr & Mrs September 29, 2017
Our sincere condolences to the Atogho family and may God guide you through the various stages of the funeral program. Daddy Atogho's christianity was evident to all. 
Total Condolences: 27
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