David Tabenda Atogho - Online Memorial Website

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David Atogho
Born in Cameroon
81 years
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Geraldine Anchimbe Odigie A true and genuine counsellor September 19, 2017
Daddy I am very glad that GOD gave me the opportunity to come and see you in Maimi - Florida before He took you away as I had not seen you for over 7 years. I am really blessed and grateful to have spent two late nights with you and Mami-Abo reading brother Roger and sister Vicky Nkembe's marriage book on "Yes to the 7 Laws of a Glorious Marriage" and sharing my testimonies of how I met my gorgeous husband. I remembered you saying that, "if you had not asked me to read the book and asking questions, plus sharing what we read from one chapter to another and sharing testimonies, you wouldn't have heard how I met my husband and got to know more about him from our spending quality time together reading this brilliant book." I really enjoyed our conversations as we read from page to page and pondering on GOD's word, knowledge and revelations that we received whilst reading the book. I am going to really treasure those times and fun memories of reading this excellent book and praying as well. Daddy if not of you, I wouldn't have met brother Roger who gave me three copies of his marriage book to bless a couple and others with it and keep a copy for my hubby and myself. This memories will live on till we meet again. Daddy I know Heaven and GOD's Angels are rejoicing for having you up there with them and the LORD JESUS CHRIST by your side
Beseng Marie In Memory to late Pa David Atogho September 19, 2017
I was saddened to hear that Pa has passed away.
May God's grace gives strength during this difficult time.
Gone yet not forgotten.
The memory of a good person,is a blessing. Proverbs 10:7.
Daddy find comfort in the hands of angels.
Let us say fare ware to a great person, he has been a good father and friend.
Comforted by so many memories.

Victorine Issock "Last Night" ... Your Last Night September 19, 2017
Daddy, mon cher Daddy - comme nous aimions tous t'appeler... C'est vrai que je n'avais pas réussi à bâtir une relation très forte de ton vivant, mais une chose certaine est que je te resterai toujours reconnaissante parce que dans mes premiers pas dans la foi en 1979, c'est ta voiture qui m'avait amenée pour la première fois en cachette à Obili... Je crois à cet acte prophétique qui m'amènera jusque là où tu es en ce moment.

 Dès l'annonce de ton retour glorieux au Père j'ai pensé à ce chant qui était devenu tien - "Last Night" - et je me suis dit, le fameux "dream" est devenu réalité sauf que tu t'es réveillé du bon côté...

Repose-toi, vaillant soldat du Seigneur; tu as fini ta course...
Tu resteras à jamais gravé dans ma mémoire.
A très bientôt...
Elder Ebenezer Ndaya An Uncommon Career; A Sure Foundation Laid September 19, 2017

I became born again in 1983 under the ministry of Br. Zack Fomum located at Onana Meuble in Obili, Yaounde, while a law student, and then graduated from the National Police Higher Institute in 1986.

My career was not common among believers by then, and the spiritual leaders who showed interest in following me up led me to Papa Atogho to be adequately mentored.

Our first encounter in his office at Ngoa-Ekele remains memorable to me. I asked him to tell me how I could successfully manage my pledge to serve Caesar and my total commitment to God. He was very practical in his answer and told me a story relating to the budget put at his disposal by the National Assembly for the entertainment of visitors. He would stock a fridge with all kinds of drinks that visitors could drink at will in his waiting room. One day he opened a new bottle of whisky for a certain man, who drank three quarters of the bottle before leaving. Immediately after the visitor shut the door, the Holy Spirit strongly questioned His servant, Papa Atogho: “In case your visitor dies in the street as a result of your drink that has taken control of him now, will you be innocent?” After the voice spoke to him, he felt guilty and he repented. From that day, he exclusively served soft drinks and water to all who came to his office.

Papa Atogho then elaborated on that story to teach me about the mandate of the State and my responsibility to please God who is the Ultimate Authority, while implementing Caesar’s directives. The Bible says in Psalms 11:3, “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” The instructions that Papa Atogho gave me have strengthened the foundation that has sustained me throughout a delicate career and have empowered me to still be fighting the good fight of faith till date.

Thank you, Papa.


Comfort Ando Awuro He listened with care and love... September 19, 2017
Daddy was a true father to me after our father died. My English is very good because of him. Whenever I visited Yaounde, I had a private talk with him. He never said he was too busy to listen to anyone. He was always there any time and any moment I needed him. Oftentimes, when I had something to tell Sister Monica and Brother Matthew, I channeled it through Daddy to get it to them. This was because he listened with care and love, without being harsh and hard on me. I will ever live to remember him for his goodness, care and love. May he rest in peace. Adieu, Daddy.

Your daughter, your sister-in-law, Comfort Ando Awuro
Total Memories: 27
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